Saturday, March 17, 2007

Erin Hayes

With Erin Hayes of ABC News on a shoot in Bentonville Arkansas. Left to right: Leonard (Camera Op), Erin, Tom Alford (Audio)

1 comment:

R.L. said...

I attended Point Lookout, Missouri's School of the Ozarks alongside Erin Hayes, and I'm here to say that she's easily one of the most philosophically and emotionally upright women I've met in my 53 years. Perhaps prejudicially, I'm similarly inclined to say that she may be the warmest, the most trustworthy, and the most professionally adept newswoman our country has produced within the past thirty years, and she's definitely a looker who fully deserves an anchor slot at any major news network of her choice. Moreover, were I the chief executive of any corporation worth it's salt, I'd strive to hire the woman as a lead consultant or potential partner. It genuinely amazes me that so talented a woman has managed to remain under wrap for so many years without being asked to assume a position as, say, a presidential press secretary.