Saturday, December 29, 2007

Heifer International/Ted Danson/Mary Steenburgen

Here is the crew that worked the event.

Heifer International/Mary Steenburgen/Ted Danson

I worked on a media tour for Heifer International with Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. Here they are about to go live to one of the many stations that received the segment.

Ellen DeGeneres/Monkey Run Arkansas

All in all it turned out to be one of the best live shots we've done.

Ellen DeGeneres/Monkey Run

Here I'm trying not to get gored by "Lurch" the African Watusi steer as Danny Hampton has a laugh.

Ellen DeGeneres/Monkey Run Arkansas

Danny Hampton & I did a live shot for the "Ellen" show at the Rocky Ridge Rufuge in Monkey Run Arkansas. Here we are setting up for the shot with Janice Wolf of the animal refuge.

Lakeport Plantation

This summer I had the priviledge to shoot a documentary on the restoration of the Lakeport Plantation below Lake Village Arkansas. The story isn't so much about the house and grounds, but about the building and repairing of relationships between the plantation owners, slaves and their families. I think it got off to a good start. Arkansas State University is heading up the restoration. Jack Hill produced the documenatry. Here I am looking lost as usual at the ribbon cutting ceremonies.

Devils Den State Park

I worked on a documentary this last fall for Arkansas Parks & Tourism with Ron Blome and David Settlemoir. This is Rebecca Spurlock, one of the park interpreters. We stayed there overnight on DEVIL'S DEN...